Synod Mission Treasury – Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some commonly asked questions.
If you have others, please reach out to the Synod’s MTS Coordinator, Tessa Duty:
1. What percentage of mission giving does the Synod keep?
ZERO. Every mission giving dollar that is received by the Synod is passed on to the proper recipient.
2. How can I tell my mission dollars are given to the projects that I choose?
Each month, church MTS statements are made available online, indicating the funds received by the Synod and how the money was allocated. If the church made an annual mission giving pledge to their presbytery, the statement also indicates pledge progress at the bottom. Every church should have online access to verify the accuracy of the money allocations. Please contact Tessa Duty (email listed above) if you do not currently have online access to your statements, and would like to start the extremely simple set-up process.
3. Does it take longer if I send my mission giving dollars through the Synod Receiving Site rather than if I send giving directly to G.A.?
No, actually it speeds up the process. By sending your giving through the Synod, the MTS Coordinator ensures that your remittance form matches the dollar amount submitted and that the projects to which you've given money are still active. This saves valuable time for G.A. and ensures your funds are delivered to the proper projects.
4. What Mission Giving counts towards the "Mission Giving Discount" for Synod loans?
All General Mission Giving (basic mission support) and Special Offerings such as One Great Hour of Sharing, Peace & Global Witness, Disaster Assistance, Christmas Joy, and all mission giving to "Extra Commitment" or local community projects.