Mission Partnership Grants
**To access grant applications, click on the blue headings (grant types) below**
**Email completed applications to: lindsay@synodpacific.org **
**See bottom of page for deadline information**
Your mission project may be eligible for one of the following grants through Synod of the Pacific’s Mission Partnership…
Emerging Need Grant
Emerging Need Grants are given to an applicant that has an emerging (suddenly arising) project which has not been included in their member presbytery’s or Synod’s current year’s fiscal budget. The applicant/project must meet the following criteria:
- Without the funds, the emerging mission would fail or be severely jeopardized by delay
- There are no other sources reasonably available for funding
- The emerging mission objective can be accomplished with the requested funds
- The Emerging Need Grant has never before been used to fund the mission or project
Hilda V. Thompson Medical Ministry Grant
Hilda V. Thompson, a former member of First Presbyterian Church in Soda Springs, ID, generously left a gift of her working ranch and investment portfolio to five recipients, including the Synod of the Pacific.
This Medical Ministry Fund offers grants for “medical services for people in need in the United States.” Applicants can seek a one to three-year reducing grant, not to exceed an initial grant of $15,000. The broad definition of “medical services” opens the way for creative ministries within a local congregation or in the wider community to care for “the least of these” in the spirit of the Matthew 25 initiative. “Medical services” includes health and wellness beyond traditional medical services to include physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. Ministries that address food insecurity, shelter and hygiene, and basic human needs are all open to consideration.
To further the growth of a ministry or project, the recipient of a Synod Hilda V. Thompson Grant could be eligible for future second-year and third-year grants of decreasing monetary amounts.
Opportunity Grant
The Opportunity Fund was established by the Mission Partnership in order for separate entities to come together for a specific project/mission. Entities could be two churches, a church and a presbytery, a presbytery and Synod, or any combination as long as one entity is Presbyterian, and the proposed project benefits more than one group or organization.
The Project/Mission, which must be “a new and creative endeavor that serves the purpose of the church,” might include:
- A joint mission trip
- A conference or workshop
- Seed money for a joint facility
- Or another kind of program/project within the mission guidelines
Restrictions for the type of projects are few because opportunities come in a myriad of ways. The recipient of a Synod Opportunity Grant could be eligible to apply for a second-year grant, continuing to further their ministry or project.
Deadlines for all Grant Applications
Hilda V. Thompson and Opportunity Grant applications will be discussed, and voted on, three times per year during Mission Partnership meetings (that take place in February, May and October).
For applications to be considered during the February meeting, the deadline is January 1st.
For applications to be considered during the May meeting, the deadline is April 1st.
For applications to be considered during the October meeting, the deadline is September 1st.
The Emerging Needs Grant applications can be considered (voted on/granted) year-round based on the urgency of the need. A special meeting can be planned if the situation calls for a speedy response.
For more information about Synod Mission Partnership grants and applications, please email Lindsay McLaughlin at: lindsay@synodpacific.org. Please note that you can click on each grant heading above to view/fill out an application.

Oftentimes the Holy Spirit surprises us…