Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Options and Summaries

The Future of Employee Benefit Administration
2023 Flex Plan Renewal
Dear Eligible Employee,
Every year you have an opportunity to enroll in your company’s Section 125 Flex plan and that time has come.
Your Plan’s maximum election amount for the Flexible Spending Account has been set at $3,050 annually. If you wish to view a list of items that are eligible for reimbursement under your FSA Plan, visit our home page at www.Vantageflex.com and select the FSA/HRA Store from the options at the top. Then click on “View the FSA Eligibility List”
We have Three options for enrollment.
Option 1: (Paper) If you are not currently enrolled in the 2023 Plan, you can enroll through Paycom.
Option 2: (Smart Phone) You can log into your personal account using the internet browser on your Smart Phone. Go to Superadmin.com, log in with your credentials and select Menu, then Open Enrollment, and simply fill in your information to make your election, electronically sign, and you’re done. With this option, you do not have to mail or fax anything to our office.
Option 3: (Computer) You can log into your personal account from a computer at Superadmin.com, select the Open Enrollment button and go through the on-line enrollment and again make your election, electronically sign, and you’re done. With this option, you do not have to mail or fax anything to our office.
**All elections must be made by November 30th**
Also, if you have money in your current account at the end of this year, you will be able to roll over up to $550 into the next year as explained in your plan SPD. Reimbursable expenses for moneys in excess of the $550 are those expenses incurred by December 31st and must be submitted by March 31st of the next year as described in your plan documents.
Thank you again and should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at (800) 871-9011 and speak with Julie, Matt or Bill.
413 10th Ave. | Menominee, MI 49858 Phone (906) 863-3539
To find out if your church/presbytery participates in the FSA plan, please contact your church/presbytery administrator directly. For an enrollment form, please email: Lindsay@synodpacific.org
To view the FSA/Vantage Flex website, please click here: https://vantageflex.com/